Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2009


John Stephen Veitch:
people believe they already have full understanding, that reality is
easy to grasp. If I already "know" there is no need to look any
further. No energy, no curiosity, no motivation. Waldo Salt, American
film-maker: "To search for truth one must first have lost it."

a simulation?
stable structures of cloud whirls in a high speed gas current
The velocity of this gas current is nearly 1700 km/hour close to equator

What is the cause for the fact, that the atmosphere rotates synchronously with the earth body?

My opinion is, that this effect is a contradictory to physics.
As answer on this questions physists applied the suggestive sentence of conservation of angular momentum on our atmosphere which is wellknown to be used for the calculation of planet orbits.
But in the case of a rotating atmosphere its not scientificly to assume a function of the earth radius ' r ' to a movement of particles in our atmosphere.
There is no connection between earth radius r and orbits of atmosphere gas volumes.
I want to analyze in detail the seemingly rotation.

Date of edition: 18.12.09

View from space: We live in a high speed gas current - because our atmosphere rotates with the earth - seemingly

Imagine now the following:
The rotation of the atmosphere must be latidud synchronously.
That means: gas masses are moving the at the equator with about 1700 km / hour.
On the 52st Latitude (Berlin) gas masses rotate with about 1000 km / hour.
That's faster than jets velocity
At the poles, for example the North Pole, gas masses move only very slowly.

One assignes an angular momentum to our rotating atmosphere in our climate models.
 \vec{L} = \vec{r} \times \vec{p}\,.
But parts of our atmosphere, molecules too, have no angular momentum - for itselfe

What has a atmosphere molecule movement to do with the radius of our earth?
But our present climate modelations work mainly with the angular momentum, its a funktion of earth radius r.
I think its not o.k. to apply the model of angular momentum on our atmosphere : The ' rotation ' of atmosphere molecules around earth is only a model.
One can assign mathematically an angular momentum to molecules related to the earth axes, but its without meaning and importance. Thus our climate calculations are wrong.

The value of the curvature of our earth - see picture above - is in relation to free molecular pathes too low.

Individual molecules have no angular momentum in the sense of a angular momentum related to the axis of earth.
There exists only linear movements of particles.
You can assign a velocity to gas molecules : angular velocity multiplied with the radius of earth.
Die Bahngeschwindigkeit \vec v ist gleich dem Kreuzprodukt aus der Winkelgeschwindigkeit \vec\omega und dem Radius \vec r
\vec v  = \vec \omega   \times \vec r
But in the case of atmospherec currents this velocity has nothing to do with a rotational velocity.

In our dense atmosphere this particle velocity belongs to linear movements.

The model of rotational velocity can be applied only without scruples if there exists relevant inertial forces on gas molecules in a not densely atmosphere.
Therefore there exists only an average kinetically energy of our atmosphere.

It is the question if this kinetically energy of our atmosphere current can be conserved.

The seemingly rotation of our atmosphere - video above - seems to be
There exists relativ stable whirls in a high speed current.
The whirls exists close to the equator and similar at the poles, although the velocity of the gas current are in this cases not comparable.
This stability of whirls - video above - seems untrue.
Physicists had no problem with this observations, so far.

View from space: We live in a high speed gas current - because our atmosphere rotates with the earth - seemingly

First paradox:
But our sky doesn`t seem to belong to a high speed gas current:
Sometimes we have nearly no turbolences- atacama, Chile

The air stands nearly still.
But to the same time we move with this atmosphere extremely fast: The gas currents velocity is like jet-velocity.
We have no physical feeling about this seemingly reality.
What is the cause for this fact?
No tremors of air, only small turbolences : Atacama, Chile
In the Atacama the air seems to be without any movement, but the velocity of the atmospherec current at the
latitude of the Atacama is like jet velocity
- view from a far distant point in our space.
This local place of stability of atmosphere moves with more than 1000 Km/h in east direction.
Local areas connected with instabilities of atmosphere in east direction of La Silla Atacama are
replaced with areas connected with a stable atmosphere -within nearly 5 minutes - if we at first forget the
of our earth around the sun.
Second paradox:
On the other side: - view from earth ground
Fluid mechanics:
The instabilities in east direction of atacama must have an 'coincident' effect on the atmosphere over the
atacama - if one thinks physically.
Why? The instabilities of global current of atmosphere in east directon of atacama must cause 'coincidentially'
instabilities of atmosphere over atacama - the pressure of atmosphere east of atacama causes the hight of velocity
of the global atmosphere current over atacama and the strengh of turbolences over atacama.
Has this effects been observed so far?
I think, its not possibel, to observe this effect: There are always instabilities in west (Pacific Ocean) and east
direction of the atacama.
But the atacama is wellknown as a area with only small strengh turbolences - an area close to the ocean!!!

The Atacama is only a very thin 'tongue similar' area in north-south direction of Chile.

Thousands of tons of gas are shifted in space within 5 minutes - but without any sign in La Silla.

This is physically not possible - but seemingly true.
Third paradox:
Its the difference in lokal pressure that causes winds in the atmosphere. Winds compensate
different lokal pressures.
Winds are gas currents between two hights of gas pressure.
Now imagine the global gas current of the atmosphere, see video above:
The atmosphere circles around with the earth: But you can not find any relevant pressure difference on different
meridians - that means different degrees of longitude.
Therefore its seems not true, that atmosphere particles movements and molecules movements are caused
by pressure differences alone!
But humans had never observed gas currents and fluid currents , which were not caused by pressure
or energy differences.

Physcists explain this paradox with the law of Inertia and a total angular momentum of the atmosphere:
The atmosphere circles around with the earth , because it has always circled around since formation of the earth.
But I don't like this unscientific theory - one time, the atmospherec molecules behave like metrologists think,
- its the pressure difference, that causes movements of gas molecules
- on the other side physicists think, that it could be the 'princile of conservation of angular momentum, too'.
But there exists no generally priciple of conservation of total angular momentum.
You can only find a conserved angular momentum if matter moves free in a central force like planets
around the sun. Discussion of this statement:
But one had never observed that atmosphere molecules behaved like free particles in a gravity field:
The average movement of atmospherec molecules seems to be in east direction with the
direction of the global current.
But free movements of atmosphere molecules are parabolas - no circles.
We recognize: A not dense atmosphere can not circle around the earth.
How dense must a atmosphere be, that it can circle around the earth by momentum transfers ?
The higher layers of our atmosphere are nor dense - but they seem to circle around the earth - why?
This is physically not possible.

Fourth paradox: stable structures of cloud whirls in a high speed gas current - see video above

The velocity of this gas current is nearly 1700 km/hour close to equator
What can be the cause for this strange effect?
Fifth paradox: The gas molecules at the poles should describe relatively small circles during
a day corresponding
to the Earth's rotation in the model of circulating atmosphere -

Sixth paradox: The atmosphere seems to circle around with the same speed as the surface of the earth.
Seventh paradox:
All layers of our atmosphere seem to rotate angular synchronously - this is a strange effect.

Eighth paradox:
The rotationel energy of our atmosphere seems to be conserved - although there exists enough energy
transformations in our atmosphere.
9. paradox
Angular velocity of our atmosphere is conserved - in this way our atmosphere behaves like a
rotating rigid body.
 \vec{L} = \vec{r} \times \vec{p}\,.
\vec v  = \vec \omega   \times \vec r
\vec p = m \, \vec v\,.
L = const, m = const, r = const , thus ω = const
this is sad ' modern physics '
You can find ω = const thus L = const
Statement of the German MPG for Meterology:
' The principle of conservation of angular momentum is one of the fundamental principles that describes the
average circulation and the variability of the atmosphere '
You could also claim:
The priciple of conservation of angular velocity is one of the fundamental principles that describes the
average circulation of the atmosphere.

But what is truth?

The most powerful telescopes of the world - are installed in La Silla, Atacama.
This seems to be irony from god!
The truth of our cosmos can be found probably near La Silla.
Why looking so far?

What is the physical cause for the accomanying rotation of earth atmosphere?

This seems to be a stupid question, exists an answer for a long time:

The present physical theory:

The atmosphere rotates since formation of the earth - unscientifically

The earth has been formed out of a rotating condensing gas nebula - the theory - no theory, but faith.

Furthermore there exists a conservation law for angular momentum -

Die Atmosphäre und ihr Drehimpuls, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Gepris:;jsessionid=29F1F0B568A069DC440E8D433C7BE6C2?module=gepris&task=showDetail&context=projekt&id=5269478

Das Prinzip der Drehimpulserhaltung ist eines der grundlegenden Prinzipien, das sowohl die mittlere Zirkulation als auch die Variabilität der Atmosphäre beschreibt.

Statement of the German MPG for Meterology:

'The principle of conservation of angular momentum is one of the fundamental principles that describes the average circulation and the variability of the atmosphere.'

This law discribes the fact, that the total angular momentum of a system is preserved, if no outer forces act on the system,
or energy transformations inside the system decrease the rotationally energy.

Freitag, 9. Oktober 2009

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Botanical Garden Berlin

Peru 1997 Lima, Cusco

Philosophy of Andreas Steppat in insufficient english
Still very immature -
Soon, I try to to it better

Physics and Science
Still very very immature -
Soon, I try to do it better


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